Together we did it. Mahalo for your support!

Together we did it. Mahalo for your support!
The magic number: 14,302 votes!

In our nation:

Vote Bernard | Together we can, we will

If it's results you want, Bernard is the man. 'Together we can,' means creating an inclusive method of leadership that brings everyone involved together — discussing, creating and realizing our future. 
Bernard led high profile task forces for the late former Mayor Bryan Baptiste, including the bike path and affordable housing. 
He knows leadership is more than a word. It means setting a goal with plans to achieve it. It also means listening to those involved, bringing people together in support of that goal and relying on the broad expertise of others to make it a reality. 
With this approach we can achieve sustainability, making it more than just a buzzword, but a set of practical methods primed to be put into action. We agree that we need Kaua'i to have a stronger economy for its future to be viable and for its residents to flourish here.
Whether that means hosting and retaining high-profile, signature events like the former PGA Grand Slam event in Po'ipu, rolling out business incentives to create more jobs, creating worker housing for farmers or long-term leases for agriculture that has Kaua'i's best interests in mind — we'll do whatever it takes.
We need to support ourselves, take care of each other, our families, our residents and our visitors and be living examples that aloha is OUR spirit. 

About Bernard

My photo
Born and raised on Kauai, Carvalho graduated from Kapaa High School in 1979 and attended the University of Hawaii on a full-ride athletic scholarship for football from 1979 - 1982. He graduated from UH in 1983 with a degree in communications and public relations, then was drafted by the Miami Dolphins. “After leaving Miami I joined my future wife Regina in California. But I wanted to come home to Kauai. I was so fortunate to come back and find a good job, a home and have the ability to raise my family on this beautiful island.”


Big is as big does

I've often joked that I'm voting for Bernard because I want our Mayor to be as big as Honolulu's mayor and Bernard is a big man, a former O-lineman at UH. But the real reason that I'm voting for Bernard is he's a big man in heart before size and not at all an O-lineman in management.
Working with Bernard for the past year and a half I've seen that he brings people together and listens attentively, with sincere interest in everyone's contribution. He doesn't slam anyone for the sake of his way, but aims to come together for the best solution knowing that as strong as one is, we're always stronger together.
Working in County government I've seen just how committed everyone is to the good for our island. This includes the other candidates. To borrow a piece of wisdom, 'No one ever made a decision with the hope of screwing this island.' You won't hear any candidate out there saying, 'Forget the locals, the beaches, the way of life here.' Every candidate running wants the best for this island. The difference to consider is who can get it done. I've seen Bernard get things done and he does it in the way: Together.
 Imai Aiu


Anonymous said...

You were a planning commissioner and are now the deputy with the Planning Department. How do you think Bernard can help plan for a better future for Kauai?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment...
Planning for a better future for Kaua'i is easy and simple in its vision, but tough and complicated in its
execution — and it's in the execution where the true performance of any administrator comes out. Among what I think Bernard does best is he enables his staff to do its job. He doesn't tell you what he wants done, or when or how, but rather says, "This is what the people need done," and asks, "How do you intend to do it and what do you need to get it done?" To say what can be better said in Hawaiian, the effort to plan a better future for our island is not done by makou, us, the administration; or okou, you the people. Least of all is it done by wau wale no, one alone. It's done by kakou, all of us, together.